What to expect from being a best man

Hot and Cold
So congrats! You’ve been asked to be best man. The typical reaction to this request is a sense of pride, honour and general manly fuzziness! Not only this but it’s one of life’s milestones. Not quite on a par with getting married, or having kids perhaps but a bit like passing your driving test, growing a beard or getting laid for the first time – you felt sure it would happen someday you just weren’t sure when!
But after the initial euphoria, it’s also normal to begin to feel a slow sense of dread creeping over you! Why? Because you now have to make people laugh in your best man speech; organise a stag do that is on a par with the Hangover and play PA to your best pal. Richard, who was asked to be best man back in 2010 recalls,
“I woke up that night after being asked in a cold sweat. I wanted to do the best job I could and wasn’t sure what to do. I was overwhelmed.”
So what can you expect from this new position you have accepted and what do you need to do to make a success of it? Here we give you an overview of what to expect from being a best man.
Three Things Required
In a nutshell, there are three things that will fall on your shoulders and you’ll need to do well: organise a stag do, write and deliver a decent best man’s speech that is amusing but not offensive; and be on hand to help during, and in the lead up, to the big day. These may sound tough, but fear not chaps, because with the a bit of planning and some graft, we’re in no doubt you’ll be a huge success and we’re here to help you every step of the way! Our Stag Do section will give you ideas and price comparisons of stag do activities and stag do weekends. We’ve got all the resources to help you make a winning best man speech and guide you through all the best man duties required in the run up to the big day itself.
One final thing, whilst we’re on the subject of expectations, we feel duty bound to tell you that, whilst this new position is a great privilege is does come at a cost and so you may want to start putting some reddies aside. According to political research boffins YouGov, being a best man costs the average gent a not insignificant £625. Less than women (£732) but not exactly pocket money either. Lucky, then that we can help you find the best possible deals as you prepare to be the best of best men!