Best Man Shirts
What’s the difference between best man shirts and regular shirts? Well, nothing actually. But here’s one rule that we think you must stick to – unless advised otherwise by the Groom, always wear white. We have borne witness to some shocking colour combinations over the years here at iamthebestman and we really don’t want you to fall in to that same trap. Black is often seen as being on the cutting edge but steer clear chaps! Leave it for a separate evening occasion today is about playing safe, traditional and down the middle.
With regard to the style – be it French cuff or single, button down or open collar, slim fit or regular – this is largely a matter of personal taste but if you want our view, go for a French or double cuff with cufflinks, open collar and if your figure permits a slim fit. These small details will a touch of class to your outfit and team with a neutral coloured tie. Below are a few options for you at a variety of price points for best man shirts.