How to Deliver a Best Man Speech Course | Managing Your Nerves | [VIDEO 4 of 30]
The good news is, fear can be managed. And in many circumstances, it can actually be turned to your advantage. All that adrenaline that’s pumping round your can use that, you can use it positively. It’ll help you come across as more enthusiastic, or passionate. Traits that an audience like to see.
So the good news is it can be managed. The bad news is, its going to take hard work and a time commitment if you are going to get on top of it. So I want to set your expectations now – this isn’t going to be easy and its going to involve you putting in a fair few hours to really, and really nail it.
Fear is not resolved by a single magic bullet, rather it is managed, by a number of things, the most important of which is preparation. So let’s take a look at that now.